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DreamBig creative has worked with a number of companies to design their pitch decks. We know what works and have found some unique pitch deck takeaways from each different client to share with you all today!

1. Do not be afraid to think outside the box

Allow yourself to explore new ideas that may be out of the norm for your industry, this is what will set you apart from the competition.

2. Pick a color scheme and stick with it

Do not become distracted by colors that may look nice, but do not fit in with your brand or deck style. We have found that clients have been most successful when going for a modern look over something more classic. Which means sticking to a minimalistic color scheme.

3. Keep it short!

We have found that shorter decks are much more effective than longer ones. People do not want to read a novel during this time period so get straight to the point! We have found that clients who keep their deck about 15 pages or less have been most successful.

4. Appeal to our emotions

Everyone wants something… make sure you communicate what yours is! Be direct and communicate what your product will do for the consumer, not just tell them it exists.

5. No more than a 10 second first impression

More often than not, a pitch deck will be on a mobile device so keep this in mind when designing your deck. Make sure that it is small enough to be easily viewed without having to zoom!

6. Tell a story

Your pitch deck should tell the story of your company, communicate what makes you different and why people want to support you. We have found that the more emotional you can make someone feel for your mission, the better!

7. Keep it to the point

A pitch deck is not an appropriate place for design flairs or excessive animations. Stick to what you know, make it easy to read and get straight to the point. If your company has a mission statement or core values have them be displayed on every page so that they are seen over and over again.

8. Source your own images

There is nothing more unprofessional than using stock photos to communicate what you do, invest in a camera and take the time to make sure you have quality images that fit your style and brand!

9. Make it easy to understand

One of the easiest things we see companies doing wrong is trying too hard. Make sure that everything is as easy as possible to understand and follow, remember this will be someone’s first impression of your company!

10. Practice makes perfect

Do not underestimate the importance of practicing your pitch deck before presenting. Even we take the time to practice before we present for a client! Your presentation will reflect on your ability to communicate with your business, it is important that both are polished and professional.

If you would like more information on how we can help you design your unique pitch deck, contact us today at! DreamBig creative has helped many companies make their dreams a reality. We can do the same for you!

pitch deck